General Forum > Questions / Suggestions

Returning Player:)


Been a while since i was here.
I hope that everyone is in good health, in these troubled times.

I am thinking of casually play and return to the server but there seems to be a problem running the installation.
Windows is blocking setup: 'This app has been blocked for your protection.' I tried several things to fix that like virus scan, run it as admin but still the same problem
The updater runs just fine.

I would some help to manage the setup as i would like to log back in for the good old memories.

Hello Stygian

I was happy to read your message. Glad you found the way back to us  8)

The problem of the installation is really a pain and many others had it too. There is a simple way to solve it.

1. Use Windows + R and type in cmd. Start it in administration mode.
2. Change the path to where you want it to be installed (for instance "cd /D YOUR PATH"), hit enter
3. Drag your l2.exe inside your commando line and hit enter. then it will install the client in the path you want.

Thanks! that worked!

Seems a lot of things to catch up on server! I didnt even remember all my characters ^^'
If there is anything i can help give me a shout.
Also I was wondering which guild i could join.
Anyone active feel free to contact me online for some teamplay.

It really great to see your gaming dedication still alive! after all these years!
I really respect that


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