Author Topic: [ITEM] Freya, Frintezza and Zaken Cloaks  (Read 7598 times)

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Offline Lin2Marduk

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[ITEM] Freya, Frintezza and Zaken Cloaks
« on: June 11, 2017, 04:31:09 PM »
The following 3 Boss cloaks are available on Lin2Century. You can get them from Admin / GM Events.

Freya Cloak                                                           Frintezza Cloak                                                    Zaken Cloak


Effects:                                                                       Effects:                                                                       Effects:                                                                       
Fire P.Def +10Fire P.Def +15Fire P.Def +5
Water P.Def +20Water P.Def +5Water P.Def +15
Wind P.Def +20Wind P.Def +5Wind P.Def +15
Earth P.Def +10Earth P.Def +15Earth P.Def +5
Holy P.Def +20Holy P.Def +5Holy P.Def +5
Dark P.Def +10Dark P.Def +15Dark P.Def +15

Furthermore you can teleport yourself to the corresponding boss area when wearing the cloak.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 04:34:48 PM by Lin2Marduk »
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