Our server is constantly updated to add new playable content, fix bugs and improve your gaming experience.
You can read all the news and updates here.
It’s time again for the contemplative time. You want to switch off, to try to forget the hecticness sitting at home in front of your computer and enjoying Lineage II :) We want to sweeten you the December with exciting and cool rewards. You can find the details in our forum. The event will be active until the 22nd of january 2023.
Marduk - 12/24/22
Hello player
As you can straightforwardly see, we have just launched our new homepage! The design has been completely revised. Splicho supported me by designing the page according to my ideas.
But the biggest thanks goes to Lin2Duncan. He made the technical realisation with all the details possible in the first place. With a lot of patience and diligence he completed the project. As so often, he is the quiet doer in the background who supports me actively again and again. Big thanks to you
I hope that you like the new homepage as much as I do.
Marduk - 2/6/22
Just now a new costume was added to the DressMe Mod. Demon Outfit
With our DressMe mod you can change your appereance without losing the stats of your actual armour. Isn't that super!?
Please make a full check with our updater in order to be able to see and use them.
Marduk - 1/30/22
Just now two new costumes were added to the DressMe Mod. Red & Blue Assassin.
With our DressMe mod you can change your appereance without losing the stats of your actual armour. Isn't that super!?
Please make a full check with our updater in order to be able to see and use them.
Marduk - 12/28/21
Our new server rules were just published on the homepage and in the forum as well. Please take 5 minutes to read and understand them as you play on this server.
We also have a new functionality in the features section of the homepage. All topics are collapsed by default. You can expand them with a simple click. A better overview is now provided to you.
Marduk - 11/18/21
The hopzone vote was fixed. You can now vote again. Furthermore all server descriptions were updated as well.
Keep in mind. The best advertisement for our server is if you tell others to join it! Help us grow and get new players.
Marduk - 6/26/21
As you may have seen, the server is back online. Alle updates were successful :)
Marduk - 2/14/21
The server will come down for maintainance / updates.
When: Sunday 14.02.2021, 1 AM
Duration: Aprox. 3 hours
Marduk - 2/12/21
Part 3 (grandboss strengthening) and part 4 (grandboss status) are finished.
Marduk - 1/4/21
Is there a better time to flee from reality and to just enjoy playing Lineage II? I doubt! So let's go. Join our server and enjoy the current ongoing christmas event until the 17th of january 2021. Gather christmas items and and turn them into rewards at the santa npc in every town.
Please make a full check to see the new added items.
Marduk - 12/19/20